Sunday, January 13, 2013

Eat That Frog!!

          Pro-cras'ti-na'tor----I am finally admitting this to myself and to everyone who is reading this.  Yikes, it's scary!!!  I work better under pressure, it's not a good behavior pattern to have but after lots of (many,many)  years, I fear I am stuck with it. A friend sent me this little 2 minute movie and now I know if I eat the frog first thing in the morning, I might really get something accomplished.  Let me know what you think!!!    Watch the Eat That Frog movie here.    


  1. I am a great procrastinator myself. That's why I have so many UFO's! And I don't really like the feeling of being under the gun to get something done. So I put myself between a rock and a hard place. Good luck eating those frogs. I may be joining you for breakfast some mornings. LOL

  2. I'm ignoring my 'frog' right now. I'm good at ignoring it. I know, I need to work on that.

  3. Totally got to work on eating my frog. Of course, I'm a vegetarian so does that make me a bigger procrastinator??? hee,hee,hee.

  4. I laughed and laughed....this short message will help me keep my "To Do List" in the correct order (frog first).
