Beginning on June 4th, it was the beginning on National Clothesline Week 2011. I just wanted to show you that I participated--- with my bedding and nighties...oh, I love the smell of clothes after drying them outside. I usually do try to hang out my bedding but don't go much further than that, the dryer is just too handy.
On Monday, the 6th, I went to my Dad's house and my sister and I interviewed and recorded him and his cousin for a couple of hours about their childhood and basically their lives. I sure hoped the video recorder worked, as when we got all done, we weren't sure it did it's thing..time will tell. It was interesting to hear them tell stories about themselves when they were younger and older! Dad will be 98 on June 13th and his cousin, is younger, he is only 89!!

On Wednesday, the roofing company called at 7:00 a.m. and said they would be here in about 30 minutes to start re-roofing my house. Do you remember the hail storm that I blogged about back on March 29th? I have really hesitated about doing the roof until Fall but decided to go ahead, after talking to them several times about protecting my plantings so they wouldn't get damaged. I knew if they would be damaged that the plants would stay that way all summer and didn't want that to happen. Well, you can imagine what happened!! They started tearing off the roof and throwing it down without putting plywood up against the house to protect my plantings..I was livid and when I got them stopped and they put the wood up, it was too late for a lot of things. It was like closing the barn door after the horse got out. There were 17 boys/men working here for the day and it was like a beehive. The above picture is what the hosta's and ferns looked like and below is what this area looked like after having shingles thrown on them and then stepped on for hours.

This is what is left of a Butterfly bush after the day was over.

Then after the day was over and I got over my Madness, I had to hit myself along side of the head and tell myself, that it wasn't life-threatening or fatal..Right now in western Iowa and eastern Nebraska, we are dealing with the worst flooding that we have ever had. Many, many people have had to evacuate their homes and possibly will never be able to go back to them as they will be destroyed. "They" say the water will be here for not just a few weeks but could be here for months..It is really devastating for so many people, their farms and many businesses. The interstate is already closed between here and Omaha and makes getting to work very hard for so many people, including my family. The whole situation is mind-boggling as it is a deliberate flood because the damns north of us, in South Dakota and Montana, have so much water in them, that they are releasing the water to keep the damns from failing. Some places have had a much rain in May that they have for a whole year and the snow melt is still happening in the northern states, filling the dams to dangerous's just a really, really sad situation for so many families. So to put things in perspective, I will live with my damaged plantings and probably do some transplanting and make the best of it, I feel guilty even complaining about it!! My son came by the day after and said "they don't look as bad as I thought they would!! I gulped, and then he said, "you can't kill a hosta". Whatever!!! He is not a hosta lover, this I know!!
Now on a lighter note, doe ra me!! Granddaughter Abby called a few minutes ago and told me today was "PIE DAY". She is making a Rhubarb/Strawberry Pie and a Key Lime Pie, (it's not really key lime as we don't get them here) and invited me up for a BBQ and Pie around 4:00...I will be there, with bells on, she didn't have to ask me twice. In the meantime, I think I will go outside and plant a couple of strawberry jars and get busy...I hope to have a 'Stitches" kind of day after all and I hope you do too!!! Sew until next time.....take care and keep our flood victims in your thoughts and prayers...Stitches