When I saw the postman come to my house early today, I knew I was getting something special. I don't usually get my mail until 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon and it was only 9:30 a.m. and he was coming down my drive!!! I got two packages, one small one and one bigger one..well, the smaller one was the piece of vintage jewelry that I won!! I commented on Nancy Moser's blog several weeks ago and she notified me last week that I was one of three winners!! How cool is that? The picture above is the piece, it can be worn as a brooch or a necklace. The green stones look like emeralds and the rhinestones look like diamonds but they really aren't, I wouldn't know what to do with real ones anyway so I love it just the way it is. It is a very pretty piece of vintage jewelry and I will enjoy wearing it...thanks so much, Nancy!!
Now about that bigger package,,,wellllll, I have to admit that I ordered more books, shhhhhhhh!!!! (whispering) I ordered nine!! Geez, that's hard for me to admit but I can justify every one of them. (I think)
First, is the book of Gwen Marston's on Four Block Applique Quilts. In searching through this book on Amazon, I found a 4 block Eagle that I really thought I would like to make. Only to learn, the quilt is shown in the Gallery of Quilts only and there is no pattern. Oh well, not all is lost, as there are several quilts in the book that are very interesting but I was disappointed about not getting the Eagle pattern. Next, the book on silhouettes, doesn't that look like something you would like to do? That's my sentiments exactly, I have a photo that I have been wanting to use for this technique for several years and it can't hurt to have a book to give you a few good pointers, right? I'm glad that I bought it too. Now, how about this one on Beaded Crazy Quilting? If you know me at all, you know that I love beads and beading so I'm always looking for some good beading techniques and beautiful things to do with them. How could I go wrong on a book like this??? No way, so I bought it too!!
This next book by Darlene Zimmerman just really caught my eye..she has a quilt for each month of the year and I truly like about 12 of them. Just a lovely book to pick up and drool over the quilts..Everyone needs a few books like that, don't they?
One Line at a Time, well, I fantasize a lot about being a great machine quilter so I thought I should have another book telling me how to become a good machine quilter. I have at least a half dozen more on the subject, I study and I read but I don't do much machine quilting yet..but I know when I get up the nerve to dive in, I should have all the how-to's and know how's that I will need. ;-) I wish myself, Good Luck! Now we come to the Portraits from Nature. I just really thought it looked like fun and want to try making something from this book someday. I have a couple of old window frames and think these whimsical flowers would look good in them. Maybe one of these days, it will happen.
Machine Embroidered Flowers, just because I like Donna Dewberry and I have an embroidery unit that I rarely use..I am hoping this will get me in the mood..No other excuses for me!
Here we are again talking about Embellishments and beads are included too! It's just fun to look at all the ways a person can decorate or embellish a simple item and make it into something someone would love to have...I'm just a dreamer, if you haven't guessed it by now...dream on, Stitches!!
Now about that bigger package,,,wellllll, I have to admit that I ordered more books, shhhhhhhh!!!! (whispering) I ordered nine!! Geez, that's hard for me to admit but I can justify every one of them. (I think)

Here we are at #9...it's called " Love of Quilts, A Treasury of Classic Quilting Stories". A little book filled with inspiring quilting stories, taken from vintage magazines, many from the 1800"s. It will be a nice book to pick up and read a quick story or two..It could be a good resource for a Quilt Guild program, I'm always on the look-out for good programs too. Whew, that brings me to the end of my "exciting" day with my new piece of vintage jewelry and my new books..time to hit the sack and cruise through a couple of the books. Gee, I hope you had a "Stitches" kind of day...Sew until next time, take care...Stitches